
Black on Yellow 16x4 Character LCD

Part Number: CFAH1604A-YYH-JT

Parallel 16x4 character LCD module with a yellow/green LED backlight, STN-positive, yellow/green glass and, a transflective polarizer. Boasting a -20°C to +70°C temperature range and a 6:00 viewing direction.

  • Available in several variations of backlight and polarizer (minimum order may be required)
  • 8-bit or 4-bit parallel interface
  • Industry-standard HD44780 compatible controller

Need a written quote? Add to cart, then enter your email address in the "request a quote" box.
Quantity Unit Price
1 * $15.44
10 * $13.63
20 * $13.17
50 * $12.71
100 * $12.52
200 * $12.43
300 * $11.81
500 * $11.72
1000 * $11.09
0 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.

Part Change Notices

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  • text_snippet
    Part Change Notice #10947: This PCN cancels the End of Life Notice, PCN 10879, from September 2017.
    Products Affected: CFAH1604A-NYG-JT, CFAH1604A-YYH-JT, CFAH1604A-TMI-JT
    Date Issued: May 3, 2018
    Summary: This PCN cancels the End of Life Notice, PCN 10879, from September 2017.
    Reason: The PCB has been redesigned. The function of the displays with the redesigned PCB is identical to the previous design.
    Impact: These displays are recommended for use in all designs using this series of displays
    Recommendation: Although Crystalfontz has verified operation, it is recommended that current users verify that the modules are compatible with old designs.
    Availability: The displays are available now
    Price Change: N/A
  • text_snippet
    Part Change Notice #10879: End of life announcement
    Products Affected: CFAH1604A-NYG-JT, CFAH1604A-YYH-JT, CFAH1604A-TMI-JT
    Date Issued: September 15, 2017
    Summary: End of life announcement
    Description: These parts use a controller that is being discontinued by the manufacturer. A replacement part may be available. A circuit board revision will be made as part of the change to the new controller.
    Reason: The new controller is a different size package with different pinouts.
    Impact: When replacement parts are available there should be no impact to users.
    Recommendation: It is highly recommended that current users of these displays verify that there are no operational differences with the replacement parts once they're available.
    Availability: Last time buys of the current parts may be made until October 1, 2017, depending upon the availability of the current Controller.
    Price Change: None
    Response: Last time buys are available until 10/01/2017 and compatible replacement parts will be offered.
Part Change Notices

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