5" 800x480 Resistive Touchscreen TFT with EVE
Part Number: CFA800480E3050SR
Do you need a display with beautiful graphics and touch capabilities in a tough environment? This resistive touch IPS EVE TFT module is a fantastic choice. The BT817 EVE chip helps simplify sending complex graphics to the display and also handles the touchscreen sensing and communication to the host. Read more about the benefits of an EVE module.Not sure if you want resistive or capacitive touch? Read our blog post comparing the pros and cons of resistive vs capacitive touch displays.
This is the 800x480 5" IPS TFT Display with an EVE accelerated board attached.
Key features:
- 5" Diagonal Active Area
- Graphics accelerating BT817 chip for easy graphics control
- Sunlight Readable
- SPI Interface
- 16M Color TFT
- Resistive Touch screen
- Six threaded mounts (size 2-56)
Product Variations
Other components worth considering
Additional Options
Purchase this EVE Display in a development kit and speed up your prototyping.Part Change Notices
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Part Change Notice #11208: 5" 800x480 Resistive Touchscreen TFT with EVE is now available
New Product: CFA800480E3050SR Date Issued: June 28, 2023 Summary: 5" 800x480 Resistive Touchscreen TFT with EVE is now available Description: CFA800480E3-050SR has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.