EVE Breakout Board
Part Number: CFA10098
This EVE Breakout Board simplifies connecting any of our EVE TFT displays to the controller of your choice. The 30-pin ZIF connector is reduced to a 14-pin 0.1" header that can easily be used with our jumper wires.Add a set of jumper wires for wiring between this breakout board and your controller. The 30-pin FFC for connecting between this breakout board and any of our EVE boards is available in a 6-inch ribbon cable and a 12-inch ribbon cable.
All of our EVE TFT modules have a demonstration kit available using this PCB. We'll wire the EVE module of your choice to this breakout board and a Seeeduino so all you have to do to see a functional demonstration is apply power. If you're having trouble finding the demonstration kit you're looking for, reach out to our support team.
The schematic for this breakout board is available in the datasheet to make moving from prototyping with this board to your custom PCB as easy as possible.
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