2.13" Flexible ePaper Display
Part Number: CFAP104212D1-0213
This black and white ePaper display combines the super low-power functionality of a standard ePaper with flexibility! Literally, flexible... bendable! See the datasheet for information about how these can be flexed.Like all epaper displays this display is bi-stable, meaning once the pixels have been set it takes no power to keep them that way. Send your image over, remove power, and you're good to go!
These displays are perfect for rounded product labeling, corner shelf labels, or anything else that requires very little power and some flexibility.
This ePaper display module supports partial updates, see the datasheet for details.
Adapter / Breakout Board
Want to simplify connecting this display? Our ePaper Adapter Board makes connecting our ePaper simple and fast.
Use our free ePaper software to prepare your bitmap image for this display.
Part Number
CFA - Crystalfontz America
P - ePaper display
104212 - 104x212 pixel resolution
D1 - family and revision (replaces CFAP104212D0-0213)
0213 - 2.13" diagonal active area
Other components worth considering
Additional Options
Speed up your prototyping with a breakout board or a complete development kit.Additional Resources
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Product Update #11198: 2.13" Flexible ePaper Display is now available
New Product: CFAP104212D1-0213 Date Issued: May 22, 2023 Summary: 2.13" Flexible ePaper Display is now available Description: CFAP104212D1-0213 has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.