240x400 Capacitive Touchscreen EVE TFT Display
Part Number: CFA240400E1-030TC
This EVE TFT module boasts a 3" 240x400 Full-Color TFT and capacitive touchscreen controlled by an EVE graphic accelerator board. The EVE engine uses 4-wire SPI for communication via a 30-pin FPC/ZIF connection. Check out our other EVE display modules.This module is based around the FTDI/BridgeTek FT811 Embedded Video Engine (EVE). All display, touch sensing, backlight control, and audio features are controlled via the Embedded Video Engine which appears to the host MCU as a memory-mapped SPI device. The host MCU sends commands and data using SPI. Read more about EVE on our blog.
For more info about the Embedded Video Engine, please see the FTDI FT81x Datasheet. Further information including programming examples, interface design software, and more can be found on Bridgetek's website.
To demonstrate this product quickly, we offer a full 3" EVE TFT demonstration kit. We also carry many useful parts for implementing this display module including:
- EVE Breakout Board which breaks out the ZIF connector to 0.1" headers for easy development
- A 6-inch 30-pin FPC cable and a 12-inch 30-pin FPC cable
- The ZIF connector itself
- Screws for mounting the module
This module replaces the CFAF240400C0-030SC-A1-1. Some modifications to the timing parameters are required to implement this new module. Please see the PCN.
Currently Shipping: HW Version 1v0, Firmware Version: 1v1
Part Number:
CFA - Crystalfontz (no 4th letter indicates a display with value-added)
240400 - Pixel Resolution
1 - Revision
030 - 3.0" Diagonal
T - Standard Brightness
C - Capacitive Touch
Product Variations
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Part Change Notice #11153: 240x400 Capacitive Touchscreen EVE TFT Display is now available
New Product: CFA240400E1-030TC Date Issued: October 12, 2022 Summary: 240x400 Capacitive Touchscreen EVE TFT Display is now available Description: CFA240400E1-030TC has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.