Small 48x64 .71inch OLED Display
Part Number: CFAL4864A-071BW
This is the smallest OLED screen we carry at .71 inches. This tiny OLED is perfect for small, handheld devices that require superior readability in a very small area. only 48x64 pixels but your message is clearly displayed with high contrast white lettering on a perfect OLED black background. This OLED module uses the popular Solomon Systech SSD1306 controller. Quickly and easily interface with i2C or 3 or 4 wire SPI.- This OLED module has an FPC that connects with a 12-pin ZIF connector (TE Connectivity A100294TR-ND)
- Thin form factor! Only 1.45mm
- Super Low power! Only requires 3.3v
- A breakout board is available here: CFA10054 OLED Breakout Board
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Product Update #10864: (Rad New Product) CFAL4864A-071BW Small OLED Display
New Product: CFAL4864A-071BW Date Issued: July 17, 2017 Summary: (Rad New Product) CFAL4864A-071BW Small OLED Display Description: OLED Display: Tiny .71inch white on black OLED display. Perfect for small handheld devices. Low power. High readability.
With a viewing angle of over 160 degrees and ultra high contrast, these displays are easy to read from any direction.
Order your samples now and start developing tomorrow!
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