
White 128x32 Small Graphic OLED Display

Part Number: CFAL12832B-0091P-W

This 0.91-inch diagonal graphic OLED display module has a 2000:1 contrast ratio, with a true black background in dramatic contrast to the white pixels.

  • SPI interface
  • 15-pin, direct solder flex tail for super-thin profile, high volume applications
  • Integrated Solomon Systech SSD1306 controller.
  • Operating temperature range from -20°C to +*80°C

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Quantity Unit Price
1 $5.59
10 $5.13
20 $4.96
50 $4.78
100 $4.53
200 $4.50
300 $4.26
500 $4.22
1000 $3.92
1215 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.

Product Note:

This module is engineered for high volume production. It uses a "TAB" (tape automated bonding) or "COF" (chip on flex) style flex tail mated with a thin display. The TAB connector solders directly to corresponding pads on your PCB using a hot-bar soldering machine, or is bonded with anisotropic adhesive using heat and pressure. High volume contract manufacturers will be familiar with this type of construction and its assembly methods. Hot-bar soldering machines designed for prototype, rework or repair of TAB connections are available from equipment suppliers at reasonable cost. The TAB style connection requires no separate connector, so the cost is very low, and the ultra-thin profile of the display is maintained.

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