
Small 128x32 Graphic OLED

Part Number: CFAL12832A-022W

128x32 small, highly readable, white on black, graphical OLED. If you're looking for a small high definition OLED module, with low power requirements, this one may work for you.

  • 128*32 Dot Matrix
  • Built-in controller Solomon Systech SSD1305
  • +3V Power supply
  • 1/32 duty
  • Interface: 6800, 8080, SPI, I2C
  • Arduino Compatible! Checkout the demo sketch in the files section

Need a written quote? Add to cart, then enter your email address in the "request a quote" box.
Quantity Unit Price
1 $18.35
10 $16.91
20 $16.33
50 $15.76
100 $14.87
200 * $14.77
300 * $14.01
500 * $13.90
1000 * $12.85
101 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.
Other components worth considering
4656 Multi-use ZIF Breakout Board
Speed up development $22.34 ea.
4626 24 Position, 0.5mm Pitch, Gold, FCC FPC ZIF Connector
Add 5 ZIF Connectors $0.97 ea.
4826 24-Position ZIF Breakout Board
Add a 24-pin ZIF Breakout Board? $6.08 ea.

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  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10848: (New Product) CFAL12832A-022W
    New Product: CFAL12832A-022W
    Date Issued: April 14, 2017
    Summary: (New Product) CFAL12832A-022W
    Description: OLED Modules: 128x32 small, highly readable, white on black, graphical OLED. If you're looking for a small high definition OLED module, with low power requirements, this one may work for you.

    128*32 Dot Matrix
    Built-in controller SSD1305Z
    +3V Power supply
    1/32 duty
    Interface: 6800, 8080, SPI, I2C
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