
160x128 Sunlight Readable Graphic LCD Display

Part Number: CFAG160128B1-YYH-TZ

This 160x128 graphic LCD is sunlight readable and includes both in-built temperature compensation and a negative voltage generator for optimizing contrast.

Having trouble deciding between a character display and a graphic display? This display is the best of both worlds - the built-in CGROM (character generator ROM) includes ASCII characters and Japanese characters. The font is 5x7 which allows 16 lines each with 20 characters.

Part Number
CFA - Crystalfontz America
G - Graphic LCD
160128 - 160x128 pixel resolution
B1 - Family and revision (replaces CFAG160128B-YYH-TZ)
Y - Yellow-Green LED backlight
Y - STN Positive, Yellow Green
H - Transflective, 6:00 viewing angle
T - Built-in negative voltage and temperature compensation
Z - RA6963 Controller

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Quantity Unit Price
1 $82.06
10 $72.62
20 * $70.16
50 * $67.71
100 * $66.73
200 * $66.24
300 * $62.93
500 * $62.46
1000 * $57.82
19 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.
Other components worth considering
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Add a development kit? $11.06 ea.
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  • text_snippet
    Product Update #11222: 160x128 Sunlight Readable Graphic LCD Display is now available
    New Product: CFAG160128B1-YYH-TZ
    Date Issued: August 15, 2023
    Summary: 160x128 Sunlight Readable Graphic LCD Display is now available
    Description: CFAG160128B1-YYH-TZ has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.
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