In order to keep this display in production over the long term, we are revising it to the CFAF800480E1-050SN-A2-2. Please contact with any questions.
5" EVE TFT Development kit
Part Number: CFAF800480E1-050SN-A1-2
This development kit makes getting started with the 5" EVE module a cinch. Not only does this kit include the 5" display module, it also includes an EVE breakout board, and a Seeeduino, all wired up and connected. All you have to do to run the included demo code is plug in the USB cable and apply power to the breakout board.The included 5" display module comprises a fantastic TFT that is sunlight readable and has extremely wide viewing angles thanks to IPS technology. The display module is controlled by FTDI/Bridgetek's EVE chip, so beautiful graphics can be displayed and controlled. Read more about the benefits of EVE on our blog. The module also takes care of all the higher voltages, so the whole kit can be powered by a single USB cable.
If you're looking for a kit with touch, check out the 5" EVE Capacitive Touch Development Kit.
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Part Change Notice #11076: FTDI Chip Upgrade to FT817