320x480 Capacitive Touchscreen TFT LCD Display
Part Number: CFAF320480C7-035TC
Customers in many different industries have chosen displays from this family of full-color graphic TFT display modules for their stunning 320x480 pixel 3.5-inch diagonal active area. This display module includes a capacitive touchscreen. The family further includes a resistive touchscreen and non-touchscreen option.The combination of high pixel density and only 3.3v for all power makes this display a perfect choice for hand-held, portable, or desktop instruments.
- Only requires a 3.3v source for power, logic, and backlight
- Integrated ILI9488 or compatible display controller
- Capacitive touch screen with integrated FT5436 controller
- Host interface modes are:
- White LED backlight has anode (A,+) and cathode (K, -) pins brought out on the FPC
- The display's 50-pin FPC mates with standard 0.5mm ZIF sockets such as this 50 Position, 0.50mm Pitch ZIF Connector
- The touchscreen's 8-pin FPC with standard 0.5mm ZIF sockets such as this 8 Position, 0.5mm Pitch ZIF Connector
CFA - Crystalfontz America
320480 - 320x480 Pixels
C7 - Family Identifier
035 - 3.5" Diagonal
T - Standard Brightness
C - Capacitive Touchscreen
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Part Change Notice #11218: 320x480 Capacitive Touchscreen TFT LCD Display is now available.
New Product: CFAF320480C7-035TC Date Issued: July 17, 2023 Summary: 320x480 Capacitive Touchscreen TFT LCD Display is now available.
Description: CFAF320480C7-035TC has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.