3" 240x400 pixel TFT Display
Part Number: CFAF240400C1-030TN
This 3" display can be used with a wide range of interfaces and has a ZIF tail, making it easy to support with any MCU and easy to integrate using a ZIF connector. The display tail is compatible with our 45-position ZIF connector.The supported interface options: Plus, this display looks great! It's full-color (262k), IPS, with a white LED backlight. The display, including the backlight, uses 3.3v input.
We also offer a module that uses this 3" TFT display supported by an EVE accelerated graphics chip.
Part Number:
CFA- Crystalfontz America
F- TFT display
240400- 240x400 pixel array
C1- Family and version number
030- 3" diagonal dimension
T- Standard Brightness (400 nits)
N- No touchscreen
Product Variations
Other components worth considering
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Purchase this display integrated with an EVE for quicker prototyping.Part Change Notices
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Product Update #11154: 3" 240x400 pixel TFT Display is now available!
New Product: CFAF240400C1-030TN Date Issued: October 18, 2022 Summary: 3" 240x400 pixel TFT Display is now available! Description: CFAF240400C1030TN has been released on our website ( and is now available for sale. Orders can be placed directly from our website or by submitting a purchase order to Contact for any technical questions.