16x2 Character LCD Module
Part Number: CFA533-YYH-KU
Looking for a USB compatible LCD with a keypad?
Our CFA-533 is the ideal solution when you need a highly readable USB character LCD and a keypad in one. This character display module integrates easily into both Windows ® & Linux devices.
The CFA-533 is an intelligent 16x2 character USB LCD with keypad. The USB interface allows you to easily connect the CFA-533 LCD to your host device using a USB cable. You can change the text displayed on the LCD, and read the keypad through the USB. The USB interface is implemented using a genuine FTDI FT232RL USB UART with rock-solid WHQL signed Windows drivers and is fully supported under Linux. The LCD's USB interface is exposed as a COM port, new software is easy to write and legacy applications are easy to support.
This CFA533-YYH variant shows crisp, dark letters against a yellow-green backlit background. The keypad is backlight in a matching yellow-green. Since the LCD is a backlit positive STN, the CFA533-YYH USB LCD is easily viewable in all lighting conditions, from direct sunlight to a completely dark room.
The CFA-533 solves your entire front panel requirements in one simple, proven device. The 2x16 LCD display allows showing critical error or status messages, and the keypad can be used to interact with the user, all over the single USB connection. The CFA-533 USB display fits easily in the front panel of a 1U appliance.
The CFA-533 USB LCD can also reset your system as well as power it on and off using its ATX power supply control functionality. This way the CFA-533 can replace the ubiquitous power and reset switches while cleaning up the front panel design and simplifying your BOM and assembly.
With the CFA-533 USB LCD, you also get the great (and free) support that Crystalfontz is known for.
- USB host interface controls the LCD and reads the keypad
- Compact size: fits in a 1U rack mount case (35mm overall height).
- Integrated 16x2 LED backlit character LCD.
- Integrated LED backlit 6-button translucent silicon keypad with screened legend.
- Advanced digital GPIO control with PWM output.
- Robust packet based communications protocol with CRC.
- Non-volatile memory (EEPROM): Set the "power-on" display screen, plus 16-bytes for storing IP, netmask, or system serial number.
- ATX power supply control functionality
- Temperature monitoring: up to 32 channels at up to 0.5 deg C absolute accuracy using WRDOWY17 DS18B20 temperature sensors.
- Available in a 5.25" half-height LCD drive bay kit when adding to cart.
- Sample applications and source code readily available: cfTest, CrystalControl2, and Linux Example Code.
Currently Shipping: HW Version 1.1, Firmware Version: U1v2
Product Variations
Interfaces | I2CLogic Level SerialRS232USB |
Colors | Dark on Light Gray White LED BacklightWhite on Blue White LED BacklightDark on Yellow-Green Yellow-Green LED Backlight |
Part Change Notices
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Part Change Notice #11243: Keypad LED Change
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Part Change Notice #10724: CFA533 series Hardware revision 1.1 to 1.4
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Part Change Notice #10658: Deprecation of "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" / New part numbers for drive bay kits.
Products Affected: CFA631-RMF-KU1, CFA631-RMF-KU2, CFA631-RMF-KU, CFA633-YYB-KS, CFA633-TMC-KS, CFA633-RMC-KS, CFA633-YYB-KU, CFA633-TMC-KU, CFA633-RMC-KU, CFA635-YYE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KS, CFA635-TFE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KL, CFA635-TFE-KL, CFA631-TMF-KU, CFA635-TFE-KU, CFA635-YYE-KL, CFA635-TMF-KU, CFA635-YYE-KU, DS635-AL, DS635-BG, DS635-BK, DS635-AK, CFA533-YYH-KS, CFA533-YYH-KU, CFA533-TMI-KS, CFA533-TMI-KU, CFA533-YYH-KL, CFA533-TMI-KL, CFA533-YYH-KC, CFA533-TMI-KC, CFA533-YYH-KI, CFA633-YYH-KS, CFA633-TMI-KS, CFA633-YYH-KU, CFA633-TMI-KU, CFA632-YFH-KS, CFA632-YDI-KS, CFA632-YFH-KU, CFA632-YDI-KU, CFA634-TFH-KS, CFA634-TMI-KS, CFA634-YFH-KS, CFA634-YDI-KS, CFA634-TFH-KU, CFA634-TMI-KU, CFA634-YFH-KU, CFA634-YDI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KS, CFA533-TFH-KU, CFA533-TFH-KS, CFA633-TFH-KU, CFA633-TFH-KS, CFA533-TFH-KL, CFA533-TFH-KC, CFA735-TFK-KR, CFA735-TFK-KT, CFA735-TML-KR, CFA735-TML-KT, CFA735-YYK-KR, CFA735-YYK-KT, CFA631-RMF-KU32, CFA631-RMF-KU128, CFA631-RMF-KU160, CFA631-RMF-KU33, CFA631-RMF-KU129, CFA631-RMF-KU161, CFA631-RMF-KU-162, CFA632-YDI-KL, CFA632-YDI-KN, CFA632-YDI-KC, CFA632-YDI-KP, CFA632-YFH-KL, CFA632-YFH-KN, CFA632-YFH-KC, CFA632-YFH-KP, CFA634-YDI-KC, CFA634-TMI-KC, CFA634-YFH-KC, CFA634-TFH-KC, CFA634-YFH-KL, CFA634-TFH-KL, CFA634-TMI-KL, CFA634-YDI-KL, CFA634-TFH-KP, CFA634-YFH-KP, CFA634-TMI-KP, CFA634-YDI-KP, CFA634-TFH-KN, CFA634-YFH-KN, CFA634-TMI-KN, CFA634-YDI-KN, CFA631P-TMF-KU Date Issued: July 1, 2015 Summary: Deprecation of "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" / New part numbers for drive bay kits. Description: Starting August 1, 2015 the "Drive Bay Kit Configurator" located at https://www.crystalfontz.com/products/select_kit.html will no longer be functional for ordering one of our Serial or USB displays (CFA533, CFA631, CFA632, CFA633, CFA634, CFA635, and CFA735) in a bracket or SLED. This functionality is being moved to the Customize and Add to Cart process when checking out. This will allow for further customization by our customers to better fit their needs.
This change will eliminate the current "kits", but will add options not previously available such as pre-configured ATX functionality, and ALL the currently available interfaces will be orderable in a drive bay bracket or SLED.
The new part numbers will have the bracket / SLED and overlay type as a PREFIX to the configured part number. The choice for bracket / SLED to a display order will be via the cart options. Our CFA835 displays were introduced with these configuration options.
To see how the new options will look, and what the new part numbers will look like, please see one of our CFA835 parts:
NOTE: The SLED is only available for the CFA635, CFA735, and CFA835 products.
Reason: As part of our continuous improvement process, we are integrating the ordering of displays in drive bay and SLED kits as part of the display ordering process. Impact: Drive bay kits in their current configuration will no longer be available. Recommendation: Place orders prior to 2015-08-01 for upcoming production needs via our website or by contacting our logistics department via email: sales@crystalfontz.com, or by calling 1-888-206-9720 (International call +1-509-892-1200).
After the 2015-08-01, please contact our engineering department via support@crystalfontz.com to assist you with ordering your bracket / SLED kits.
Availability: Starting 2015-08-01, the bracket and SLED options for our serial and USB display will be part of the ordering process for the displays Price Change: Pricing bracket / SLED configurations will reflect manufacturing costs. - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10352: CFA533 USB and Serial firmware v1.1
Products Affected: CFA533-YYH-KS, CFA533-YYH-KU, CFA533-TMI-KS, CFA533-TMI-KU, CFA533-YYH-KL, CFA533-TMI-KL, CFA533-TFH-KU, CFA533-TFH-KS, CFA533-TFH-KL Date Issued: August 2, 2011 Summary: CFA533 USB and Serial firmware v1.1 Last revision: v1.0 Description: With the release of CFA533 v1.1 hardware, PCN 10351 the firmware for the Serial - KL and KS suffix, and USB - KU suffix interface modules is being revised to v1.1. The following changes are being implemented in this release:
Bug fixes:- Command 11 - Cursor movement and control
- Command 20 - DOW command input correction for data size limits
- Command 9 - Improved data input checking
- Command 10 - Corrected response from controller for line 1 of DDRAM
Enhancements:- Command 28, data[1] - ATX power functionality pulse width variable effects power on, power off, and reset pulses.
- Command 28, data[1] - ATX power functionality pulse width option of 255 to hold pulse low until +5v state changes.
- Command 28 - ATX power functionality power off feature is more compatible with well power managed systems. This is a passive feature and not configurable.
- Baud rate for serial interface is now more accurate across the module's range of operating voltages.
CFA533 v1.1 firmware will only ship on CFA533 v1.1 hardware.Reason: As part of our continuous improvement process, the CFA533 family is being revised to firmware v1.1. This was done based on customer feedback to improve the functionality and reliability of the CFA533 family.
Impact: The changes in the CFA533 v1.1 firmware should be a drop in replacement in most applications.
The exception will be if a data[1] of 255 was used with Command 28 when setting up the module. This value will not longer be an 8 second pulse, but conform to the new functionality.Recommendation: Participate in discounted pricing for first run CFA533 v1.1 hardware /firmware based modules through September 30, 2011. Availability: - First run CFA533 v1.1 hardware based modules with v1.1 firmware, and datasheet will be available for customer qualification / in-house approval on August 8, 2011 through September 30, 2011 for a maximum quantity of three at the currently published 50 piece price.
- Volume shipment end of Q3 2011
- Shipments of v1.0 hardware with v1.0 firmware will continue until inventory levels exhausted.
- Full transition to v1.1 hardware and firmware expected by end of Q4 2011.
Price Change: No price change is scheduled at this time. Pricing will be reviewed Q1 2012. - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10351: CFA533 family hardware revision v1.1
Products Affected: CFA533-YYH-KS, CFA533-YYH-KU, CFA533-TMI-KS, CFA533-TMI-KU, CFA533-YYH-KL, CFA533-TMI-KL, CFA533-YYH-KC, CFA533-TMI-KC, CFA533-YYH-KI, CFA533-TFH-KU, CFA533-TFH-KS, CFA533-TFH-KL, CFA533-TFH-KC Date Issued: August 2, 2011 Summary: CFA533 family hardware revision v1.1 Last revision: v1.0 Description: The CFA533 v1.1 hardware changes are as follows:
- New inductor package for backlight control circuit. This is being done to improve the manufacturabilty of the CFA533.
- Addition of JPGPIO1. This jumper will be closed by default and bypasses a 5KΩ pull-up resistor that is in line with GPIO[1] to the micro-controller.
- Improved Yellow-green backlight for the YYH variants. The backlight now has a total of 10 yellow-green LEDs instead of 6. This improves the visual quality and appearance of the LCD backlight. Typical weight will increase to 43g, from 41g for the CFA533 YYH variants.
Reason: As part of our continuous improvement process, the CFA533 family is being revised to hardware v1.1. This was done based on customer feedback to improve the functionality and appearance of the CFA533 family.
Impact: Hardware v1.1 should be a drop in replacement for most applications. No form or fit changes have been implemented.
The exception may be with the YYH variants. Due to the increased number of yellow-green LEDs in the LCD backlight, the current profile of these variants has increased.Recommendation: Participate in discounted pricing for first run CFA533 v1.1 hardware based modules through September 30, 2011. Availability: - First run CFA533 v1.1 hardware based modules and datasheet will be available for customer qualification / in-house approval on August 8, 2011 through September 30, 2011 for a maximum quantity of three at the currently published 50 piece price.
- Volume shipment end of Q3 2011
- Shipments of v1.0 hardware will continue until inventory levels exhausted.
- Full transition to v1.1 hardware expected by end of Q4 2011.
Price Change: No price change is scheduled at this time. Pricing will be reviewed Q1 2012. Attachment: CFA533_1-1_HW_PCN.pdf (828KB) - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10291: Technical Bulletin TB01: Comparison of CFA533 and CFA633 Modules by Version Number
Products Affected: CFA633-YYB-KS, CFA633-TMC-KS, CFA633-YYB-KU, CFA633-TMC-KU, CFA633-RMC-KU, CFA533-YYH-KS, CFA533-YYH-KU, CFA533-TMI-KS, CFA533-TMI-KU, CFA533-YYH-KL, CFA533-TMI-KL, CFA533-YYH-KC, CFA533-TMI-KC, CFA533-YYH-KI, CFA633-YYH-KS, CFA633-TMI-KS, CFA633-YYH-KU, CFA633-TMI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KU, CFA633-RDI-KS Date Issued: November 10, 2010 Summary: Technical Bulletin TB01: Comparison of CFA533 and CFA633 Modules by Version Number Description: The attached PDF file describes differences between our CFA633 v1.5x and CFA633 v2.0 intelligent display module series. We also list the CFA533 series as a comparison for customers who do not require the fan control available in the CFA633 series. Hardware version numbers are silk screened on the back of the PCBs.
Additional information can be found in supporting documents for PCN:
https://www.crystalfontz.com/products/pcnfile/10286/PCN_CFA633_2-0.pdfReason: Clarify the differences between the different modules. Impact: None. Attachment: TB01_Comparison_of_CFA533_and_CFA633_Modules.pdf (86KB) - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10282: Keypad height change