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    Part Change Notice #10316: Minor PCB revision to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Hardware and firmware updating to v2.4.

    Products Affected: CFA634-NFG-KS, CFA634-TFH-KS, CFA634-TMI-KS, CFA634-YFH-KS, CFA634-YDI-KS, CFA634-NFG-KU, CFA634-TFH-KU, CFA634-TMI-KU, CFA634-YFH-KU, CFA634-YDI-KU
    Date Issued: February 1, 2011
    Summary: Minor PCB revision to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Hardware and firmware updating to v2.4.
    Last revision: Hardware v2.3, Firmware v2.3
    Description: In a continuation of product improvement the CFA634 series has the following improvements:

    1. PCB changes to accommodate MLCC capacitors. This hardware revision to v2.4 impacts C7, C3, and C4.

    2. The firmware will be updated to v2.4 to reflect the new hardware version. No other changes to the firmware are being made.

    Minor PCB revision to v2.4 to accommodate longer life MLCC capacitors. Firmware will be updated to v2.4 reflect hardware version.
    Reason: Manufacturing improvements allow for building the CFA634 series with MLCC capacitors. The MLCC have a longer life than the electrolytic capacitors currently being used.
    Impact: The new version is designed to be Fit, Form, and Function compatible with previous versions of the CFA634 series.

    Please see the v2.3 PCN for physical differences from older versions:

    Recommendation: Engineering samples should be available by the end of Quarter 1, 2011. Please send an email to support@crystalfontz.com to work with our engineering and support team to assist you with the migration.
    Availability: Volume availability Second Quarter 2011.
    Price Change: No price change at this time
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