All existing XES635BKTFEKU products are transitioning to XES635BKTFKKU as part of our continuous improvement process. Once all current stock is depleted, you'll be able to purchase the new part number.
20x4 Character Enclosed LCD Module
Part Number: XES635BK-TFE-KU
USB LCD 20x4, Keypad, External Enclosure, White Edge LED Backlight, RoHS compliant, FSTN Positive, Transflective, 0°C to +50°C, 12:00 viewing angle. Includes ~9 foot black low-drop captive USB "A" cable.
- LED backlit 20x4 LCD
- Integrated LED backlit 6-button translucent silicon keypad with screened legend
- Four bicolor (red + green) LEDs. The LEDs’ brightness can controlled by the host software, which allows mixing the LEDs to produce other colors (yellow and orange)
- Three color options:
- Yellow-green backlit positive mode LCD, yellow/green keypad backlight ("YYE")
- White backlit negative mode LCD, blue keypad backlight ("TMF")
- White backlit positive mode LCD, white keypad backlight ("TFE")
- Fully decoded keypad: any key combination is valid and unique
- LCD characters are contiguous in both X and Y directions to allow the host software to display "gapless" bar graphs in horizontal or vertical directions
- USB interface for both power and data (115200 baud equivalent throughput)
- Robust packet based communications protocol with 16-bit CRC
- Built-in microcontroller
- RoHS Compliant
- Non-volatile memory capability ("EEPROM"):
- Customize the "power-on" display and LED settings
- 16-byte "scratch" register for storing IP, netmask, system serial number
Part Change Notices
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Part Change Notice #10853: CFA635 series Firmware revision 2.1.
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Part Change Notice #10852: CFA635 series Hardware revision 1.5
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Part Change Notice #10406: Supporting firmware for the reactivation of the CFA635 family of modules.
Products Affected: CFA635-YYE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KS, CFA635-TFE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KL, CFA635-TFE-KL, CFA635-TFE-KU, CFA635-YYE-KL, XES635BK-TFE-KU, XES635BK-TMF-KU, XES635BK-YYE-KU, CFA635-TMF-KU, CFA635-YYE-KU Date Issued: March 20, 2012 Summary: Supporting firmware for the reactivation of the CFA635 family of modules. Last revision: 1v6 Description: The CFA635 family of modules is being reactivated with a new LCD controller chip, the Rockworks RW1067. The majority of the changes to the firmware have been in support of the RW1067 LCD controller and are transparent to the user interface. The changes to the CFA635 2v0 firmware:
For hardware changes related to this firmware update, please see PCN #10405
Command 1 (0x01): Get Hardware & Firmware Version
Modules with the serial interface, -KL and -KS suffix, will report: CFA635:h1v2,s2v0
Modules with the USB interface, -KU suffix, will report: CFA635:h1v2, u2v0
Command 12 (0x0C): Set LCD Cursor Style
Option 4 = inverting, blinking block is no longer supported. This option will result in a blinking underscore.
Command 22 (0x16): Send Command Directly to the LCD Controller
Any command sent specifically to the Samsung S6A0073 will need to be reviewed / modified for the commands / registers of the Rockworks RW1067. Please contact the Crystalfontz Engineering Support Team at for the RW1067 datasheet.
Command 28 (0x1C): Set ATX Power Switch Functionality
Added auto polarity switch.
Improved pulse length functionality.
Added feature to hold until system off during power down.
Updates to timings and sequence of Serial interface power up to prevent possible corruption of data displayedReason: When the CFA635 family was scheduled for End of Life (see PCN #10365) there was no replacement available for the Samsung S6A0073 LCD controller. The CFA735 family was designed as replacement for the CFA635, allowing a path for improved performance, graphics, and the ability for end users to write their own firmware to take advantage of the capabilities of the enhanced hardware.
After the development of the CFA735 family, the RW1067 was developed as a replacement for the Samsung S6A0073 LCD controller for Crystalfontz America, Inc by Rockworks (China).Impact: This announcement impacts all variants, interfaces, and part numbers that currently use the CFA635 family of modules. The CFA635 can continue to be used in current and future designs. Recommendation: Continue to order and build with the CFA635 as required by production schedules. Transition to the CFA635 1v2 hardware and supporting firmware should be a seamless process. Engineering samples for qualification for the revised CFA635 are scheduled to be available Q3 of 2012. Availability: Q2 2012
Review / Update customer Defined Part custom firmware
Q3 2012
New hardware and supporting firmware available for engineering samples
Estimated - Begin transition to 1v2 hardware as 1v1 hardware inventory is depleted
NOTE: We will not ship production orders of 1v2 hardware until the 1v1 inventory is depleted
Q4 2012
Estimated - CFA635 1v1 hardware to be exhausted, transition to CFA635 1v2 hardware completePrice Change: No scheduled price change at this time. - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10405: Reactivation of the CFA635 family of modules with 1v2 hardware and supporting firmware.
Products Affected: CFA635-YYE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KS, CFA635-TFE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KL, CFA635-TFE-KL, CFA635-TFE-KU, CFA635-YYE-KL, XES635BK-TFE-KU, XES635BK-TMF-KU, XES635BK-YYE-KU, CFA635-TMF-KU, CFA635-YYE-KU Date Issued: March 20, 2012 Summary: Reactivation of the CFA635 family of modules with 1v2 hardware and supporting firmware.
Last revision: 1v1 Description: The CFA635 family of modules is being reactivated with a new LCD controller chip, the Rockworks RW1067. The changes to the CFA635 1v2 hardware are as follows:
- LCD controller changing from Samsung S6A0073 to Rockworks RW1067
- Supporting driving circuitry between the LCD controller and the LCD glass has been updated to support the Rockworks RW1067
- The PCB layout has been updated to support the Rockworks RW1067
- Firmware updates to support the Rockworks RW1067 and functional improvements – See PCN #10406
The only changes to the CFA635 family are to support the Rockworks RW1067 controller. There are no other physical changes to the CFA635.Reason: When the CFA635 family was scheduled for End of Life (see PCN #10365) there was no replacement available for the Samsung S6A0073 LCD controller. The CFA735 family was designed as replacement for the CFA635, allowing a path for improved performance, graphics, and the ability for end users to write their own firmware to take advantage of the capabilities of the enhanced hardware.
After the development of the CFA735 family, the RW1067 was developed as a replacement for the Samsung S6A0073 LCD controller for Crystalfontz America, Inc by Rockworks (China).Impact: This announcement impacts all variants, interfaces, and part numbers that currently use the CFA635 family of modules. The CFA635 can continue to be used in current and future designs.
Recommendation: Continue to order and build with the CFA635 as required by production schedules. Transition to the CFA635 1v2 hardware and supporting firmware should be a seamless process. Engineering samples for qualification for the revised CFA635 are scheduled to be available Q3 of 2012. Availability: Q2 2012
Review / Update customer Defined Part custom firmware
Q3 2012
New hardware and supporting firmware available for engineering samples
Estimated - Begin transition to 1v2 hardware as 1v1 hardware inventory is depleted
NOTE: We will not ship production orders of 1v2 hardware until the 1v1 inventory is depleted
Q4 2012
Estimated - CFA635 1v1 hardware to be exhausted, transition to CFA635 1v2 hardware completePrice Change: No scheduled price change at this time. - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10365: End of Life announcement: CFA635 family of Intelligent Modules.
Products Affected: CFA635-YYE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KS, CFA635-TFE-KS, CFA635-TMF-KL, CFA635-TFE-KL, CFA635-TFE-KU, CFA635-YYE-KL, XES635BK-TFE-KU, XES635BK-TMF-KU, XES635BK-YYE-KU, CFA635-TMF-KU, CFA635-YYE-KU Date Issued: October 6, 2011 Summary: End of Life announcement: CFA635 family of Intelligent Modules. Last revision: HW: v1.1, FW: v1.6 Description: Effective 2012-03-19:
The CFA635 family of modules is no longer End of Life and is recommended for new designs.
For a hardware changes please see PCN #10405
For a firmware changes please see PCN #10406
Effective immediately, Crystalfontz America, Inc is announcing the End of Life (EOL) for the CFA635 family of modules.
The CFA635 is a character based intelligent LCD module built around a Cypress PSoC® micro-controller and a Samsung S6A0073 LCD controller. Samsung announced the EOL of the S6A0073 at the end of 2007. After the announcement, Crystalfontz America, Inc began designing a replacement module and planned for continuing to manufacture and support the CFA635 family until a compatible replacement module was designed and available.
REVISED: 2011-12-15
REVISED: 2012-03-19Reason: As part of our continuous improvement process, the engineering services group at Crystalfontz America Inc. is announcing the End of Life (EOL) to our CFA635 family of modules. This end of life is scheduled to take place at the end of 2012 Q2.
The CFA635 is being replaced with the first of a new generation of intelligent modules from Crystalfontz America, Inc. This new module is the CFA735 family. The CFA735 family has been primarily designed to be a replacement for the CFA635 family with a number of enhancements / improvements.Impact: This announcement impacts all variants, interfaces, and part numbers that currently use the CFA635 family of modules.
The CFA635 family is not recommended for new designs.Recommendation: Continue to order and build with the CFA635 as required by schedules. Plan on making transition to the CFA735 family of modules when available.
To obtain more information on the CFA635 family replacement, the CFA735 family, please send an email to We will provide you the following when available:
- preliminary datasheet
- notification of the initial run of CFA735 modules
- notice of any updates or changes to the CFA735
Availability: Q4 2011:
- Pilot run of CFA735 family available
- CFA735 New product announcement
Q1 2012:
- Final shipments of CFA635 from partner factory
Q2 2012:
- CFA635 begins phase out and inventory draw down
- Last CFA635 orders accepted
- Production level shipments of CFA735 start
Q3 2012:
- CFA635 inventory purged
- CFA735 fully replaces CFA635
Price Change: There is no scheduled price change to the CFA635 family at this time. Pricing will be reviewed on a monthly basis. Attachment: CFA635_EOL_Notes.pdf (75KB) - text_snippet
Part Change Notice #10287: XES635BK Hardware v3.1 / Firmware v1.6
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Part Change Notice #10280: Firmware change