
Color Graphic OLED Display

Part Number: CFAL12896A0-0127-F

When you need to squeeze a few more pixels into a small area, this little OLED display fits the bill. Only have enough pins remaining for SPI? No problem. Have pins enough to hook it up using parallel? That works too! This 128x96 full-color graphic OLED is simple to drive either way!

This OLED module has a Solomon Systech SSD1351 Controller and we've wired it up with a Seeeduino / Arduino UNO clone and have provided the demonstration sketch in the files section.

The ZIF connector you need:
30-position 0.5mm pitch

Need a written quote? Add to cart, then enter your email address in the "request a quote" box.
Quantity Unit Price
1 $19.40
10 $18.89
20 $18.25
50 $17.62
100 $17.37
200 $17.24
300 $17.10
500 $16.97
1000 $16.85
1403 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.
Other components worth considering
4635 30 Position, 0.50mm Pitch, Gold, FPC FCC ZIF connector
Add 5 ZIF Connectors $1.14 ea.
4827 30-Position ZIF Breakout Board
Add a 30-pin ZIF Breakout Board? $6.15 ea.
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