
128x64 Graphic SPI OLED Display

Part Number: CFAL12864N-A-B4

Two separate colors (yellow and blue) make this 128x64 SPI graphic OLED module unique. Customers like the two areas as a convenient way to show lots of information in an easy-to-read display. Less than an inch diagonal, this thin lightweight display uses super low power, making it great for handheld devices powered by batteries.

  • 128x64 graphic OLED display module.
  • The 0.96" diagonal display is handy for designs that require small form factor.
  • Two color areas on the display: yellow for the 2-16 pixel rows and blue for the bottom 18-48 pixel rows.
  • Built-in Solomon Systech SSD1306 controller.
  • Supports I2C, 3 or 4 wire SPI, and 8-bit parallel interfaces.
  • Extremely wide viewing angle is ideal for handheld devices.
  • Very high contrast ratio.

Need a written quote? Add to cart, then enter your email address in the "request a quote" box.
Quantity Unit Price
1 * $7.51
10 * $6.89
20 * $6.68
50 * $6.44
100 * $6.08
200 * $6.04
300 * $5.68
500 * $5.65
1000 * $5.22
0 Units In-Stock & Ready To Ship
Pricing is subject to change.
* Contact us about potential lead times.

Product Note:

This module is engineered for high volume production. It uses a "TAB" (tape automated bonding) or "COF" (chip on flex) style flex tail mated with a "COG" (chip on glass) display. The TAB connector is soldered directly to corresponding pads on your PCB using a hot-bar soldering machine. High volume contract manufacturers will be familiar with this type of construction and its assembly methods. Hot-bar soldering machines designed for prototype, rework or repair of TAB connections are available from equipment suppliers at reasonable cost. The TAB style connection requires no separate connector, so the cost is very low, and the ultra thin profile of the display is maintained.

Part Change Notices

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  • text_snippet
    Part Change Notice #11058: The thickness of the glass is being changed from 0.7mm to 0.55mm
    Product Affected: CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Date Issued: January 15, 2020
    Summary: The thickness of the glass is being changed from 0.7mm to 0.55mm
    Description: The overall thickness will change from 1.65mm to 1.5mm. The part number will not
    Recommendation: Customers should verify that the thickness change will not have a detrimental effect on any installations.
    Availability: Parts with the new thickness will be available after current stocks have been depleted. For more information please contact
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10590: OLED thickness has changed from 1.2mm to 1.4mm
    Product Affected: CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Date Issued: June 13, 2014
    Summary: OLED thickness has changed from 1.2mm to 1.4mm
    Description: OLED thickness has changed from 1.2mm to 1.4mm
    Reason: Due to thinner glass substrate no longer available.

    No other changes were made on part.
    Impact: Slight change in overall depth. 0.20mm overall.
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10514: CFAL12864N-A-B4 Improvements
    Product Affected: CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Date Issued: July 29, 2013
    Summary: CFAL12864N-A-B4 Improvements
    Last revision: CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Description: 1) The thickness of the CFAL12864N-A-B4 module has changed from 1.45mm to 1.2mm. This change is 0.25mm difference.

    2) The luminosity of the module has been improved from:
    80nits(min.) to 150nits(min.)

    3) Additionally it is important to note that while they have not changed physically, we would like bring attention to dimensions for Active Area and Viewing Area that we have had in our documentation. They have been corrected in the newest revision and now reflect the accurate dimensions for these measurements.

    AA from 10.86mm to 11.2mm
    VA From 12.86mm to 13.2mm

    This is a difference of 0.34mm.

    Reason: We are issuing this PUN to inform our valued customers of the improvements to the CFAL12864N-A-B4's construction, and to provide more accurate and updated technical support documentation.
    Impact: If your application is ultra precise on the thickness of the module, there could possibly be a 0.25mm tolerance issue. Apart from that, little to no impact on any existing application should be evident.
    Recommendation: Customers interested in the continued use of this bi-color OLED module should simply continue to order the CFAL12864N-A-B4 module as they always have.

    We encourage you to examine the drawing of the improved and corrected characteristics of the module in the attached PDF.

    Availability: Quantity orders will be available by October 1, 2013.

    *Sample quantities available while supplies last*
    Price Change: No change in the cost for the module.
    Attachment: CFAL12864N-A-B4_Module_Outline_pg1.pdf (25KB)
  • text_snippet
    Product Update #10411: (New Product) CFAL12864N-A-B4
    New Product: CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Date Issued: April 16, 2012
    Summary: (New Product) CFAL12864N-A-B4
    Description: Under OLED Modules: Small, efficient 128x64 Graphic OLED module with two areas of color, yellow and blue
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