128x32 Small OLED Display
Part Number: CFAL12832B-0091P-Y
This little OLED display provides excellent readability thanks to its high contrast ratio and wide viewing angle. In the .91" active area, bright yellow pixels shine on a true black background. This display is engineered for high-volume production and, at its low price point, is a great choice for tinkerers and industry users alike.If this little OLED display isn't exactly what you're looking for, check out the Product Variants table to find different pixel colors, interfaces, and connectors.
- SPI interface
- 15-pin TAB style flex tail
- Integrated Solomon Systech SSD1306 controller
- Operating temperature range from -20°C to +*80°C

Product Note:
Hot-bar soldering machines designed for prototype, rework or repair of TAB connections are available from equipment suppliers at reasonable cost. The TAB style connection requires no separate connector, so the cost is very low, and the ultra-thin profile of the display is maintained.