This display is end-of-life and no longer available. See our other 128x64 graphic LCD displays for a potential replacement.
Black on Green 128x64 Graphic LCD
Part Number: CFAG12864G-YYH-TY
Sunlight readable 128x64 yellow-green graphic LCD, on-board negative voltage generator and temperature compensation.
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Part Change Notice #11096: End-Of-Life Notification
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Part Change Notice #11090: End-of-Life Notification
Products Affected: CFAG12864G-TMI-TY, CFAG12864G-YYH-TY Date Issued: June 8, 2021 Summary: End-of-Life Notification Description: This product is going EOL. Last-time buys can be made before 2021/06/21 by contacting or placing the order online. Reason: The controller for the display is going End-of-life and can no longer be sourced. At this time, there are no drop-in replacement controllers for this product for a replacement.