Part Number: CFA-FBSCAB
- The FB System Cooling Accessory Board adds the same fan and temperature cooling functions to our CFA735, CFA835, CFA039A0NVD Series and CFA635 V1.5.
- For cooling, add up to four fans with RPM monitoring and variable PWM fan power control. Connect fans to the CFA-FBSCAB with our 3-pin fan extension cable, WR-FAN-X01.
- Monitor temperatures with up to 0.5°C absolute accuracy. Add up to 16 WR-DOW-Y17 Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire (DOW) temperature sensors to use with the CFA735 or up to 32 temperature sensors for the CFA835.
- For a CFA835, up to 32 CFA-FBSCABs can be connected to each other (“daisy chained”). Maximum configuration will allow 128 fans and 512 temperature sensors.
- 4 GPIO lines on the CFA-FBSCAB plus CFA835 allows:
- ATX power supply control functionality. Use CFA735, CFA835 and CFA635 V1.5 display module keypad buttons as "power" and "reset" buttons for your host system.
- Hardware watchdog can reset the host in the case of host software failure.
- Advanced digital GPIO control with PWM output.
- The CFA-FBSCAB plus CFA735, CFA835, and CFA635 V1.5 fit nicely in a 1U rack mount case (37 mm overall height) using our optional mounting bracket. Or buy the SLED chassis that holds the display module, CFA-FBSCAB, and a 3.5-inch disk drive. To order a complete Drive Bay Kit, see our Kit Configurator.
Part Change Notices
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Part Change Notice #11050: The CFA-FBSCAB circuit board has been revised. The new board rev number is 1V0.
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Product Update #10397: (New Product) CFA-FBSCAB