This product is not recommended for new designs. We recommend this 2.0" TFT as a replacement.
2" Touchscreen Color TFT 240x320
Part Number: CFAF240320V-020T-TS
The CFAF24032V-20T-TS display boasts vibrant, full color images at 200 PPI (Pixels Per Inch) in a compact 2" package for crystal clear, sharp images and text perfect for small applications and up close viewing. The resistive touch screen enables quick and easy user input to the host device.
The CFAF240320V-20T-TS connects to the host via a single 45-pin ZIF connector, allowing for quick and easy installation. This display supports a wide variety of interfaces, including parallel, SPI, and RGB DOT-CLK to work seamlessly with a large variety of host devices.
- Resistive touch screen.
- Can communicate with a wide variety of interfaces:
- 4-wire SPI with an 8-bit transfer.
- 3-wire SPI with a 9-bit transfer.
- Parallel interface 8, 9, 16 or 18 bits wide suitable for connecting to a micro-controller.
- 18-bit RGB/dot-clock interface for interfacing to microprocessors that have hardware framebuffer support.
- Extremely high pixel density and resolution (200 pixels per inch at 240x320).
- Full color.
- Operates in a wide range of temperatures (-20c to +70c).
- Integrated Sitronix ST7789V controller.
This display is also available without a touchscreen, the CFAF240320V-020T.
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Product Update #10828: (New Product) CFAF240320V-020T-TS