240x320 2.4" RGB TFT LCD
Part Number: CFAF240320K1-024T-RT
This graphic TFT display module is a 2.4" diagonal, full-color TFT. This TFT LCD is low-power, uses a white LED backlight, and has an integrated resistive touch-screen with the connection brought out to the main TAB connector for the display.
This LCD TFT has an onboard controller and 3.3v single voltage for supply and logic. It uses an 8 or 16-bit parallel interface, specified via connections to the display.
This module looks awesome! Displaying all information in full-color.
Product Note:
The connector on this TFT module is a flex tail mated with a "COG" (chip on glass) display construction. This style of connector is designed to be soldered directly to corresponding pads on your PCB by using a hot-bar soldering machine. High volume contract manufacturers will be familiar with this type of construction and its assembly methods. There are hot-bar soldering machines made that are designed for prototype, rework or repair work of TAB connections.
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Product Update #10915: (New Product) CFAF240320K1-024T-RT
New Product: CFAF240320K1-024T-RT Date Issued: December 26, 2017 Summary: (New Product) CFAF240320K1-024T-RT Description: TFT LCD Module: 240x320 2.4 inch full-color TFT display with a resistive touchscreen. This LCD is meant to replace the end-of-life CFAF240320K-024T-TS.
See all product specifications here: