XES635BK External USB LCDs
- LED backlit 20x4 LCD
- Integrated LED backlit 6-button translucent silicon keypad with screened legend
- Four bicolor (red + green) LEDs. The LEDs’ brightness can controlled by the host software, which allows mixing the LEDs to produce other colors (yellow and orange)
Three color options:
- Yellow-green backlit positive mode LCD, yellow/green keypad backlight ("YYE")
- White backlit negative mode LCD, blue keypad backlight ("TMF")
- White backlit positive mode LCD, white keypad backlight ("TFE")
- Fully decoded keypad: any key combination is valid and unique
- LCD characters are contiguous in both X and Y directions to allow the host software to display "gapless" bar graphs in horizontal or vertical directions
- USB interface for both power and data (115200 baud equivalent throughput)
- Robust packet based communications protocol with 16-bit CRC
- Built-in microcontroller
- RoHS Compliant
Non-volatile memory capability ("EEPROM"):
- Customize the "power-on" display and LED settings
- 16-byte "scratch" register for storing IP, netmask, system serial number